Thursday, 4 October 2012


Sometime in life the little things make you smile.

I have been travelling with Lufthansa on my trip to Germany and I am surprised, that so far, they are the only airline to have an App for passbook, using the latest Apple operating system.

I usually head off to the airport armed with paper copies of my E-ticket and boarding card pre-printed and stuffed, along with other vital travel accessories, into my pocket. Not this time thanks to the Lufthansa App, I checked in using my phone, the airline asked me if I wanted my boarding card sent to Passbook - naturally being a techie nerd I said yes and there it was in Passbook in a split second, additionally, and here is the nerdy bit, when I was approaching the airport my boarding card alert sprung up on my lock screen. Adding to that nerdy bit, and with the new James Bond coming out soon, imagine how 007 you feel walking up to the gate and tapping your phone on the scanner and bingo your through. Okay that did sound very nerdy, very pro apple and did sound like I should be working for MI5 but come on this has to be the way forward.

Imagine it, you wander up to the bar, swipe your phone on a beer tap and bingo - there we go sir your usual.

At first I was not sure if this app would be used by me and I could not see its value. That was short lived.

Come on all travel and flight companies, bars and hotels get with the programme, or should I say get with the App, this stuff makes me smile and if you have seen my blog where I whinge about things its time for a change.

Gawd bless you Lufthansa for small moments of making me feel like a special agent.

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Location:Terminal Ring,Düsseldorf,Germany

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant Mark. Made me smile. I can image how '007' your felt. x Chrissy


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