If you wanna fight bring it on. Paige and Plant the best duo in music history!
Just been to see Led Zeppellin live , fuck yes!
Made me smile and clap and cheer lots at the end.
Now off for another alcoholic beverage.
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These pages are about the things that make me smile and things I enjoy. Please read and enjoy, comment or rage... thanks.
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Sometime in life the little things make you smile.
I have been travelling with Lufthansa on my trip to Germany and I am surprised, that so far, they are the only airline to have an App for passbook, using the latest Apple operating system.
I usually head off to the airport armed with paper copies of my E-ticket and boarding card pre-printed and stuffed, along with other vital travel accessories, into my pocket. Not this time thanks to the Lufthansa App, I checked in using my phone, the airline asked me if I wanted my boarding card sent to Passbook - naturally being a techie nerd I said yes and there it was in Passbook in a split second, additionally, and here is the nerdy bit, when I was approaching the airport my boarding card alert sprung up on my lock screen. Adding to that nerdy bit, and with the new James Bond coming out soon, imagine how 007 you feel walking up to the gate and tapping your phone on the scanner and bingo your through. Okay that did sound very nerdy, very pro apple and did sound like I should be working for MI5 but come on this has to be the way forward.
Imagine it, you wander up to the bar, swipe your phone on a beer tap and bingo - there we go sir your usual.
At first I was not sure if this app would be used by me and I could not see its value. That was short lived.
Come on all travel and flight companies, bars and hotels get with the programme, or should I say get with the App, this stuff makes me smile and if you have seen my blog where I whinge about things its time for a change.
Gawd bless you Lufthansa for small moments of making me feel like a special agent.
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I have been travelling with Lufthansa on my trip to Germany and I am surprised, that so far, they are the only airline to have an App for passbook, using the latest Apple operating system.
I usually head off to the airport armed with paper copies of my E-ticket and boarding card pre-printed and stuffed, along with other vital travel accessories, into my pocket. Not this time thanks to the Lufthansa App, I checked in using my phone, the airline asked me if I wanted my boarding card sent to Passbook - naturally being a techie nerd I said yes and there it was in Passbook in a split second, additionally, and here is the nerdy bit, when I was approaching the airport my boarding card alert sprung up on my lock screen. Adding to that nerdy bit, and with the new James Bond coming out soon, imagine how 007 you feel walking up to the gate and tapping your phone on the scanner and bingo your through. Okay that did sound very nerdy, very pro apple and did sound like I should be working for MI5 but come on this has to be the way forward.
Imagine it, you wander up to the bar, swipe your phone on a beer tap and bingo - there we go sir your usual.
At first I was not sure if this app would be used by me and I could not see its value. That was short lived.
Come on all travel and flight companies, bars and hotels get with the programme, or should I say get with the App, this stuff makes me smile and if you have seen my blog where I whinge about things its time for a change.
Gawd bless you Lufthansa for small moments of making me feel like a special agent.
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Location:Terminal Ring,Düsseldorf,Germany
Friday, 17 August 2012
Did you have a Teddy bear as a kid, did you want it to come to life?
Do you like bad language animation?
Do you like going to the pictures, fix, cinema?
If your answer is no to any of these - forgive me for wasting your time.
If your answer is yes to any or all of these then do yourself a favour and go see Ted.
All I will say is I want one.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Do you like bad language animation?
Do you like going to the pictures, fix, cinema?
If your answer is no to any of these - forgive me for wasting your time.
If your answer is yes to any or all of these then do yourself a favour and go see Ted.
All I will say is I want one.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Twyford,United Kingdom
if this link does not work try this one (bloody technology)

The 80's were a great time to be alive and with such stylish and poetic lyrics like this it's no wonder Rewind Festival is back again - bring on the lycra.
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Jungle Boogie
Jungle Boogie
(Get it)
Jungle Boogie
Jungle Boogie
(Get it)
Jungle Boogie
(Ooh the boogie)
Jungle Boogie
(Get down)
Jungle Boogie
Jungle Boogie
(Shake it around)
Jungle Boogie
(Get up, then you get down)
Jungle Boogie
(Boogie, boogie)
Jungle Boogie
(Boogie, boogie)
Jungle Boogie
Jungle Boogie
(Well ya get down)
Jungle Boogie
(Get the boogie)
Jungle Boogie
(Yeah in the jungle)
Jungle Boogie
(Get down with the boogie)
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
(Jungle Boogie)
Get down, get down
(The boogie)
Get down, get down
(The boogie)
Get down, get down
(Jungle boogie)
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
(Its the boogie)
Get down, get down
Uh, get it
Feel the funk, y'all
Let the boogie flow
Huh, uh uh
Huh, uh uh uh
Huh, uh mm'
Get down with the boogie
Get it, get the jungle boogie
Get down
Huh, uh, get down with the boogie
Said UH, uh
Get down
Said UH, uh
Get down
Said UH, uh
Get down
Said UH, uh
Huh, till ya feel it y'all
Huh, get down y'all
Huh, uh get down
Huh, uh y'all get down
Uh, oh, with the get down
Uh, ughhh
Uh, ha, get down
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The 80's were a great time to be alive and with such stylish and poetic lyrics like this it's no wonder Rewind Festival is back again - bring on the lycra.
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Jungle Boogie
Jungle Boogie
(Get it)
Jungle Boogie
Jungle Boogie
(Get it)
Jungle Boogie
(Ooh the boogie)
Jungle Boogie
(Get down)
Jungle Boogie
Jungle Boogie
(Shake it around)
Jungle Boogie
(Get up, then you get down)
Jungle Boogie
(Boogie, boogie)
Jungle Boogie
(Boogie, boogie)
Jungle Boogie
Jungle Boogie
(Well ya get down)
Jungle Boogie
(Get the boogie)
Jungle Boogie
(Yeah in the jungle)
Jungle Boogie
(Get down with the boogie)
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
(Jungle Boogie)
Get down, get down
(The boogie)
Get down, get down
(The boogie)
Get down, get down
(Jungle boogie)
Get down, get down
Get down, get down
(Its the boogie)
Get down, get down
Uh, get it
Feel the funk, y'all
Let the boogie flow
Huh, uh uh
Huh, uh uh uh
Huh, uh mm'
Get down with the boogie
Get it, get the jungle boogie
Get down
Huh, uh, get down with the boogie
Said UH, uh
Get down
Said UH, uh
Get down
Said UH, uh
Get down
Said UH, uh
Huh, till ya feel it y'all
Huh, get down y'all
Huh, uh get down
Huh, uh y'all get down
Uh, oh, with the get down
Uh, ughhh
Uh, ha, get down
- Posted using BlogPress
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Now that the games are over, time for thoughts.
If this does not open try using http://twyfordrigsbygoodstuff.blogspot.co.uk/
I am sitting here listening to the soundtrack to the opening ceremony of the
Olympic games and I got to the track "And I Will Kiss" (that’s the
one with the 1000 drummers) and the sheer sound and emotion that evoked took me back just over 2 weeks to when it all kicked off.
Over the past few years I have listened to my wife saying "we won’t be
able match Beijing, we can’t pull it off, and it’s going to be embarrassing".
I really hate people who say "I told you so" but Carla "I told you so". In fact there were so many negative people who thought the same way, no wonder this country turns on itself from time to time when all we
really need is a great big dose of can do.
There were many who doubted the British public saying we would not get
behind the games and it’s not for everyone but you only have to look back at
the crowds lining the streets, many deep, for the road races and marathons to
realise that we loved every minute of it. There were of course a number of
people out there who did not watch, or even understand why we were doing this but I guess they had their own party.
So we were wowed by the opening ceremony, disconsolate that we had no golds after 2 days, going crazy over 6 gold medals in one day, and genuinely over joyed that we finished 3rd in the world - I will say that again THIRD IN THE WORLD OF SPORT. Not bad for a country of just over 61 million. To put our achievement in to perspective the US would have needed 116 Golds and 416 medals in total - when actually they managed 46 Gold and 104 medals, China would have needed 798 Gold and a total haul of 1848 medals when in actual fact they only wound up with 38 Gold and 88 in total.
Whilst our sports men and women are fit, dedicated individuals who sacrifice
everything for their sport the Great British crowd were a massive influence on
the end result, again proving that whether we got tickets to the events we
really wanted or not we gave enthusiastic support to every athlete, I don't
generally watch sport on TV but even I was going home at night and watching any sport so long as we were in it. In fact even if we were not in an event (rare occasions) I was still watching because the British crowd latched on to other athletes to get behind and give them a boost proving that we are not a jingoistic bunch of miserable bastards as some would portray us.
Now it's all over. What are we going to do with ourselves of an evening or
weekend, and just what excuse will we come up with to be couch potatoes again?
Oh yes the Paralympics start 29th August and, whilst the hype and coverage may not be as extensive as it was for the able bodied athletes, you can guarantee one thing here is a bunch of people who if you didn't feel bad about your fitness levels before you will once you have seen this lot. Through personal pain and suffering, both mental and physical, these athletes will prove that with enough will and a desire to not give in you can be anyone you want to be. Come
on Team GB.
I won't make many friends with this next bit but I never do on this subject,
the downside about right now, apart from the Olympic feel good factor dissipating, is that we are going from a world stage where the athletes worked bloody hard, for no real and tangible commercial gain, to a bunch of overpaid, under achievers who demand a fortune - Yes its Football (some say soccer) season again, whoop-de-fucking-do!
Despite my cynical nature for the 'great game' - there is actually a side line game we can play this season - it's called "see how many
football clubs greedy bastard players can bankrupt through excessive wage demands". My money is on 3 English clubs and 1 Scottish - any takers?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
I am sitting here listening to the soundtrack to the opening ceremony of the
Olympic games and I got to the track "And I Will Kiss" (that’s the
one with the 1000 drummers) and the sheer sound and emotion that evoked took me back just over 2 weeks to when it all kicked off.
Over the past few years I have listened to my wife saying "we won’t be
able match Beijing, we can’t pull it off, and it’s going to be embarrassing".
I really hate people who say "I told you so" but Carla "I told you so". In fact there were so many negative people who thought the same way, no wonder this country turns on itself from time to time when all we
really need is a great big dose of can do.
There were many who doubted the British public saying we would not get
behind the games and it’s not for everyone but you only have to look back at
the crowds lining the streets, many deep, for the road races and marathons to
realise that we loved every minute of it. There were of course a number of
people out there who did not watch, or even understand why we were doing this but I guess they had their own party.
So we were wowed by the opening ceremony, disconsolate that we had no golds after 2 days, going crazy over 6 gold medals in one day, and genuinely over joyed that we finished 3rd in the world - I will say that again THIRD IN THE WORLD OF SPORT. Not bad for a country of just over 61 million. To put our achievement in to perspective the US would have needed 116 Golds and 416 medals in total - when actually they managed 46 Gold and 104 medals, China would have needed 798 Gold and a total haul of 1848 medals when in actual fact they only wound up with 38 Gold and 88 in total.
Whilst our sports men and women are fit, dedicated individuals who sacrifice
everything for their sport the Great British crowd were a massive influence on
the end result, again proving that whether we got tickets to the events we
really wanted or not we gave enthusiastic support to every athlete, I don't
generally watch sport on TV but even I was going home at night and watching any sport so long as we were in it. In fact even if we were not in an event (rare occasions) I was still watching because the British crowd latched on to other athletes to get behind and give them a boost proving that we are not a jingoistic bunch of miserable bastards as some would portray us.
Now it's all over. What are we going to do with ourselves of an evening or
weekend, and just what excuse will we come up with to be couch potatoes again?
Oh yes the Paralympics start 29th August and, whilst the hype and coverage may not be as extensive as it was for the able bodied athletes, you can guarantee one thing here is a bunch of people who if you didn't feel bad about your fitness levels before you will once you have seen this lot. Through personal pain and suffering, both mental and physical, these athletes will prove that with enough will and a desire to not give in you can be anyone you want to be. Come
on Team GB.
I won't make many friends with this next bit but I never do on this subject,
the downside about right now, apart from the Olympic feel good factor dissipating, is that we are going from a world stage where the athletes worked bloody hard, for no real and tangible commercial gain, to a bunch of overpaid, under achievers who demand a fortune - Yes its Football (some say soccer) season again, whoop-de-fucking-do!
Despite my cynical nature for the 'great game' - there is actually a side line game we can play this season - it's called "see how many
football clubs greedy bastard players can bankrupt through excessive wage demands". My money is on 3 English clubs and 1 Scottish - any takers?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Twyford,United Kingdom
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Cheats don't prosper
So trying to lose does not work!
The IOC demonstrate they have huge hairy ones and have disqualified all 4 cheating teams in the women's doubles badminton.
Well done for enforcing the spirit of the games.
I know GB won't benefit but its about the message it gives others.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
The IOC demonstrate they have huge hairy ones and have disqualified all 4 cheating teams in the women's doubles badminton.
Well done for enforcing the spirit of the games.
I know GB won't benefit but its about the message it gives others.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
First gold
That was fantastic. The two girls Heather and Helen win the women's pairs.
First GB women to ever win gold in rowing at the Olympics.
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First GB women to ever win gold in rowing at the Olympics.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Twyford,United Kingdom
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Okay I thought all that had gone before was good, or great, but I have to say the final lighting of the "cauldron" took me by surprise. Wow!

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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:High St,Twyford,United Kingdom
Friday, 27 July 2012
We are good, very good
I am really quite emotional about what we have done so far in the ceremony.
I am hopeful of our chances and know that our sports men and women will do us proud.
I am proud of them all and hope they show our small Island nation as world beaters.
I will be following you all on iPhone, Iplayer, Facebook, twitter, google+, and any other social information service that I can view during work (don't tell the boss).
This ceremony was - maybe biased - out of this world and proof that we were worthy of a third Olympics.
Anyone fancy contradicting me?

I am hopeful of our chances and know that our sports men and women will do us proud.
I am proud of them all and hope they show our small Island nation as world beaters.
I will be following you all on iPhone, Iplayer, Facebook, twitter, google+, and any other social information service that I can view during work (don't tell the boss).
This ceremony was - maybe biased - out of this world and proof that we were worthy of a third Olympics.
Anyone fancy contradicting me?
Location:Twyford,United Kingdom
Good, nope fantastic
If anyone doubted our ability to stage a show............. Think again.
I really hope it's this good for the 3 hours, loving it.
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I really hope it's this good for the 3 hours, loving it.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Chelmsford Chaps
After many years away from the old stomping ground it was good to return to visit some old haunts and see just what we had left behind.
It sounds like the opening line to a joke but here goes, theirs this old man, a doctor, a copper, a Paddy, a farmer, a Swiss builder and a bloke from Brighton, who hit the bright lights of Chelmsford City!
Having booked into a rather pleasant B&B overlooking the tranquil Lake Chelmer (okay It was a soul less Travel Lodge overlooking the Army and Navy roundabout) we met up at the first of our many pubs for the evenings entertainment.
The afternoon, evening and night was then made up of a collection of bars and pubs we used to frequent. Surprisingly some had not really changed in fact I am sure the beer and piss that was sticking me to the floor of one bar was there 15 years ago. The only thing that time had clearly changed was that we went for beer and lager below 5% for fear of falling over in a couple of hours. Oh yes and because one of our party wanted a trip to the Fleece we even had a half pint! This did however result in much wit about how we looked like giants as the glass looked very small in our hands, very humorous (hell you take your laughs where you can).
Anyway much good banter was had, catching up with friends I don't get to see very often, passing judgement on the old place and basically putting the world to rights.
Having seen a programme a few weeks ago (dignity prevents me from letting you know which one) about Chelmsford it appears the old place is not full of the over tanned, breast implants and fakery (which this writer is not sure is a good thing or not). All I can say is that a bunch of oldies do not attract attention or admiring glances.
The evening was a right good laugh. Having had our fill of amber nectar three of us made our excuses and left the others to it. So ended the night of japery, except to say the 3 amigos finished their pub crawl in true old style with a Kebab from Mr Rams which was taken on board back at Neil and Chris's Disabled room - nope not kidding it really was.
Thank you Chelmsford for giving us a good night to remember.
The role call - The Plough, The Ale House, The Ship, The Royal Steamer, The Fleece, Peelers, Sarasons Head, a Weatherspoons and The Bay Horse.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
It sounds like the opening line to a joke but here goes, theirs this old man, a doctor, a copper, a Paddy, a farmer, a Swiss builder and a bloke from Brighton, who hit the bright lights of Chelmsford City!
Having booked into a rather pleasant B&B overlooking the tranquil Lake Chelmer (okay It was a soul less Travel Lodge overlooking the Army and Navy roundabout) we met up at the first of our many pubs for the evenings entertainment.
The afternoon, evening and night was then made up of a collection of bars and pubs we used to frequent. Surprisingly some had not really changed in fact I am sure the beer and piss that was sticking me to the floor of one bar was there 15 years ago. The only thing that time had clearly changed was that we went for beer and lager below 5% for fear of falling over in a couple of hours. Oh yes and because one of our party wanted a trip to the Fleece we even had a half pint! This did however result in much wit about how we looked like giants as the glass looked very small in our hands, very humorous (hell you take your laughs where you can).
Anyway much good banter was had, catching up with friends I don't get to see very often, passing judgement on the old place and basically putting the world to rights.
Having seen a programme a few weeks ago (dignity prevents me from letting you know which one) about Chelmsford it appears the old place is not full of the over tanned, breast implants and fakery (which this writer is not sure is a good thing or not). All I can say is that a bunch of oldies do not attract attention or admiring glances.
The evening was a right good laugh. Having had our fill of amber nectar three of us made our excuses and left the others to it. So ended the night of japery, except to say the 3 amigos finished their pub crawl in true old style with a Kebab from Mr Rams which was taken on board back at Neil and Chris's Disabled room - nope not kidding it really was.
Thank you Chelmsford for giving us a good night to remember.
The role call - The Plough, The Ale House, The Ship, The Royal Steamer, The Fleece, Peelers, Sarasons Head, a Weatherspoons and The Bay Horse.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Twyford,United Kingdom
Saturday, 14 July 2012
He is just the best boss ever!
It's raining, he is into his 3rd hour on stage. He rocks, enough said.

Ref my blog earlier this week - the hype and anticipation lived up to itself.
F****** brilliant!
Oh yes Paul McCartney came on and sang with Bruce - I saw him Standing there and Twist and shout. Rock and Roll.
Oh and Westminster council cut the sound at exactly 10:30 - get a life.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Ref my blog earlier this week - the hype and anticipation lived up to itself.
F****** brilliant!
Oh yes Paul McCartney came on and sang with Bruce - I saw him Standing there and Twist and shout. Rock and Roll.
Oh and Westminster council cut the sound at exactly 10:30 - get a life.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Hyde Park. London
Friday, 13 July 2012
Friday, yes!
Friday afternoon.
Heading home after a constructive client meeting.
Listening to my playlist from Wolfgangs vault.
Looking forward to a glass of red wine at my favourite Italian restaurant when I hit Twyford.
Cross the road to home with a take away, sod the cholesterol levels.
More wine.
Springsteen in Hyde Park with beer and friends Saturday.
Happy days.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Heading home after a constructive client meeting.
Listening to my playlist from Wolfgangs vault.
Looking forward to a glass of red wine at my favourite Italian restaurant when I hit Twyford.
Cross the road to home with a take away, sod the cholesterol levels.
More wine.
Springsteen in Hyde Park with beer and friends Saturday.
Happy days.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:On a train
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
You know when you are looking forward to something immensely?
I am off to see Bruce Springsteen in Hyde Park Saturday and I have not seem him live since about 1986. That awesome gig at Wembley Stadium was probably one of the best ever gigs. So am I building up to an anti climax this weekend?
The weather is likely to be poor but I am going with good company, I think I know the play list and have that set up as a playlist on my IPod so what can go wrong?
Let's hope I end up blogging post gig, watch this space.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
The weather is likely to be poor but I am going with good company, I think I know the play list and have that set up as a playlist on my IPod so what can go wrong?
Let's hope I end up blogging post gig, watch this space.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:High St,Reading,United Kingdom
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Euro 2012 Football Pre-match beers
So with just 90 minutes to go before kick off and 90 minutes to play did I pop the lid on my first beer too soon?
Come on England for the first in a very long time make us proud of you and show Italy how to play the game.
Come on England for the first in a very long time make us proud of you and show Italy how to play the game.
Saturday, 9 June 2012
Twyford Beer Featival
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Going away on holiday is always good, well it can and should be a good time.
Coming home is sometimes equally as good, especially if home is Twyford.
I have just got back from Thailand, I am the Mayor of 5 places out there now (4 Square Mayor) and am just coming into the town I have called home for almost 14 years. Its cold it's wet but in a few minutes bags will be dumped and I will be holding a large glass of red wine at La Fontana.
A cup of tea is usually the answer on return from holiday but have had little sleep in almost 24 hours so alcohol is route 1.
Hello home it's good to be back.

This is Thailand not Twyford.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Coming home is sometimes equally as good, especially if home is Twyford.
I have just got back from Thailand, I am the Mayor of 5 places out there now (4 Square Mayor) and am just coming into the town I have called home for almost 14 years. Its cold it's wet but in a few minutes bags will be dumped and I will be holding a large glass of red wine at La Fontana.
A cup of tea is usually the answer on return from holiday but have had little sleep in almost 24 hours so alcohol is route 1.
Hello home it's good to be back.
This is Thailand not Twyford.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:High St,Reading,United Kingdom
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Thailand is hard going
Well here we are with just 2 full days left in Kho Lanta and it's been tough.
The Hotel is good, not fantastic, but the staff and the weather have been fantastic. What with the discovery of a great beach bar it has been a good break from the trials and tribulations that I call my working week.
The Hotel is good, not fantastic, but the staff and the weather have been fantastic. What with the discovery of a great beach bar it has been a good break from the trials and tribulations that I call my working week.
Friday, 4 May 2012
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